Sunday, July 24, 2011

Funny Day July 24, 2011

Had a very interesting evening tonight.  We had Hurley (our guinea pig) outside in the yard in his enclosure because he LOVES Hawaii's warm temperatures.  Well, Roxy came inside and kept barking at me.  I finally realized she was trying to tell me that something was wrong.  I went outside with her and noticed what she was trying to tell me, HURLEY HAD GOTTEN OUT!  He was just squeaking away outside.  We found him up on the porch under the patio table.  LOL!  That was so funny!  I guess he wanted to go on an adventure is all.

Friday, July 8, 2011

July 8, 2011

Who out there in cyberspace have moments in their life when they just want to sleep an entire day? I know I can't be the only one. What do you o to get yourself up and motivated in the morning? Please....leave comments. :-)

I keep waking up each morning and all I want to do is work out but I never know where to start. Have you gotten in a work out pattern? What do you do?

Once I got myself together, I got all of my items together and headed out to the Boutiki on Pearl Harbor to volunteer. I love going in to see all the great ladies in the shop, but the bad part is that I want EVERYTHING in that store. If you have not been there, you have to go. There is something for EVERYONE!!!

After I was finished, I ran by subway to get a sandwich. Who knew that buying a stupid sandwich would cost so much in Hawaii! Is there anything that is cheap here? What do you do to save money?

After an afternoon of working on photos, course homework and cleaning house, I AM EXHAUSTED! Now is the time when I wish I had him home to chat with, talk about my day, and even give me a hug to tell me everything will be ok.

Have a good night everyone! Aloha! <3

July 7, 2011

Well it's been a little bit since I put up a post, but I have returned. Life has been pretty crazy around here because everything seems to go wrong when he's deployed.

Today I got busy and mowed the yard once again. Who knew that pulling weeds, mowing, cleaning up doggie do do would be such a hassle. I have to give my husband the benefit of the doubt when he was always mowing the yard because t was rough. We have the smallest yard in the world, yet it's a pain in the butt to deal with.

We made spaghetti for dinner and my two favorite doggies were right there beside me the entire time. They knew it was SPAGHETTI night!!!

Off for now! TTYL!